this resource WAS a joke

Jan 03, 2024 2:25 pm


This Resource WAS a Joke

This may be hard to believe, but after working 13+ years in community health here in Houston, not once did I ever refer anyone to an Affordable Care Act health insurance plan.

During this time I primarily worked with individuals who were either uninsured or had very low incomes.

No matter their situation - be it uninsured, on the streets, or barely making ends meet - entering their annual income and household size always resulted in plans of around $250 per month.

Frankly, having to read those figures back to the client was embarrassing. Clients would crack jokes like, "What is so affordable about this?"

Now, let's be clear: This wasn't all of the ACA's fault. A chunk of the blame goes to Texas for not expanding Medicaid, making insurance a lot more expensive for those who really needed it.

Regardless, the lack of available affordable health insurance in the past has likely come to a halt. At least until 2025.

See in 2021 legislation called the American Rescue Plan was created. This plan was funded until 2025. This plan pumped lots of money into ACA subsidies.

Subsidies that actually make health insurance affordable for people in Texas. I'm talking $0 monthly premiums and Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) benefits that make doctor visits, hospital trips, and medications a lot more affordable.

Essentially if an individual has an annual income of 116% of the federal poverty level, they can likely qualify for a $0 ACA Plan. This 116% FPL level translates to the following annual income levels.

  • Household of 1: $15,266
  • Household of 2: $20,626
  • Household of 3: $25,986
  • Household of 4: $31,346
  • Household of 5: $36,706

The best people to apply for these plans are individuals who work but make slightly too much to qualify for Medicaid or CHIP.

If someone has $0 in monthly income, ACA Plans are probably not their best option. The aforementioned Medicaid and CHIP plans would be their best options.

For anyone who works with clients who need affordable health insurance, ACA Plans should be another tool in your toolbox.

Currently, we are in an open enrollment period for ACA plans that will last until January 15th.

That being said if you have clients or you need health insurance now is the time.

Here are the two easiest ways to find ACA plans, get quotes, etc.

  1. Visit Texas ACA Plans. Here you can quote and self-enroll.
  2. Contact me by replying to this email or calling me directly at 281.870.3599.

Again the last day to sign up for one of these ACA Plans is January 15th. After that, you'll need to qualify for a SEP or Special Enrollment Period to get access to these $0 monthly premium plans.

Get in while you still can by going here:

Nick Bryant
