What an audacity 2
Jan 18, 2021 12:01 pm
Hello , How are you doing today?
I feel amazing and I hope this week be better than last week.
I promised to talk about my second encounter in my next mail,
here it is
Encounter 2
"Good day ma, I watched your last video and I got to know from the video that you sell the same product as me.
Ma, please how do you make a profit because I am not making any profit from mine."
I asked her a few questions but one thing struck me about her... her mindset.
She was so focused on all the reasons why she is not selling.
For every strategy I show her, she counters it with 'you don't understand ma".
For crying out loud, you just started this business, I have been in it for years, if you so know the paths not to trend, then you have solved half of your problems and may definitely not be needing my expertise.
After a few minutes of back and forth, she said" can I get a comprehensive review of how you have run your business for years especially where you get your supply, your pricing, and how you market your products?"
she ended it with God bless you richly.
I was still trying to compose myself to give her a befitting response when she fanned the fire by saying," please, let it be as simple as possible so I can easily understand it".
I told her no problem, does she want a video, audio, or text format?
She said the audio will be better, I sent her my bill and she asked what was the money for?
I told her it is for my years of experience being documented.
" I thought you were a nice person and want to help business owners grow," she said
"Of course, I am a nice person but I am a nice business woman but niceness has never paid my bills".
Well, I am still waiting for my payment.
A lot of start-ups want people to give them their years of experience just because you are start-ups and still growing.
The earlier you understand the need to invest in your growth, the better for you.
You can not project a multi-million dollar business with a five thousand naira mindset.
, Do you need a coaching session in the aspect of sales and visibility?
You cannot sell online without being visible.
Send me a message let fix something for you business and get it running with clarity and focus.