Puma vendor!!!

Mar 15, 2021 6:44 am

Hello, . How was your weekend? Mine was different from the norm because I had work piled up due to procrastination but I am glad I got it settled before the deadlines.

So, a few days ago I made a post on my Facebook page that made me realize why a lot of vendors or business owners have issues with their customers.

No sane person will want to keep going back to a business that doesn't listen. Some folks are just wired to attack once they don't like a person and they take this same attitude into their business.

The customer is trying to make a point even if it sounds familiar, it is your duty to listen and understand their points, and find a very smart way of responding so you don't make the customer look like a full neither would you sound like a fool yourself.

Being jumpy to respond will cause your business more harm especially on social media because people are watching you and your personal brand has a huge rub off on your business brand.


As a brand, if you feel you don't understand a post, you either ask for a better explanation or waka pass.

, You must not always have an opinion on every matter because you are not Google.

Being a serial entrepreneur seems like the trending thing but before you start jumping on every business, do you have a serious business? Are you even serious? A serious business should be one you are well known for.

I have more than 2 sources of income and I can tell you it is stressful especially if you don't have money to purchase the right manpower.

To grow series of businesses, you must be ready to trust and delegate which most small businesses sent ready to do because they are scared of being cheated.

, do you think being a serial entrepreneur is smart if the economy of this country was stable?
