Getting things done

Jul 11, 2020 12:06 pm

Hello ,

Yesterday, I did a video explaining how you can get things done in every aspect of your life on my timeline.

A man who does not plan to succeed has already planned to fail.

There are 7 ways to getting things done

  • Have a plan
  • Have a deadline for your plan
  • Have self-discipline
  • Have self-control
  • Focus
  • Have a system{s}
  • Take action

You can check out this video for more information.

Just like I shared with you yesterday, a plan without clarity will be a waste or a struggle.

From Monday the 13th of July till Wednesday the 15th, I will be having a clarity session with as many who are ready to untangle their ideas, run with speed, and make more money from what they know.

, It is for a fee of #2999 to be reverted to #7000 after Wednesday. Feel free to book your slot now.

If you have any questions, kindly send me a mail.

Do have a great weekend.


