Hashtag 101
Apr 12, 2021 5:17 pm
Hey , How are you doing?
I skipped my mail on Friday and also deliberately moved it till afternoon today.
Which do you prefer?
This time or that early morning coffee?
There was a time I used to wonder how people create all those hashtags that gives them so much visibility especially on Instagram.
On Facebook, you might not need to bother yourself so much but it is a must on Instagram if you want to be seen by the right people who need your products and services.
In my GYB program, I taught the basic hashtag strategies and testimonies have been pouring in because it works.
Just copying the hashtags of popular people and reusing them can NEVER guarantee you their kind of result especially if you don't have same audience, same content and same engagement strategy.
As good as using the right hashtag is, if you don't engage strategically, you may be missing out on your online growth.
, I know you have questions on hashtags, kindly share those questions with me so I can give you a comprehensive answer.
I am here to help you get your business growth game tight.
Wishing you a growth-filled week.