What's new on the Sheldon, COVID-19, and Regulation front

Jun 25, 2020 9:45 pm

Hope all is well with you and your family. I have been doing good and starting to return to live training events. Next week, I have to keep up my OSHA General Industry Authorized trainer certification with the 503 class. This will be an in-person class in Gonzales, LA and I'm a bit nervous, but I will "mask-up" like always. BTW, I'm doing a free webinar for those that really need help on how to wear, take care of, and understand the limitations of PPE during the COVID-19 era. It will be an hour webinar on July 3, 2020 from 2 pm EST-3pm EST. I just want people to learn how to get this PPE thing right!

Register for this free event

Here's a few resources that I use on the regular.

OSHA's Guidance for Returning to Work

OSHA's FAQ about face coverings

WHO COVID-19 page

WHO Self-Paced COVID-19 Training Course

EPA's Guidance for Disinfecting Public Places

Safety Consulting News

Safety Consultant Podcast


Join me this July 28-July 30th for the Safety Consultant Virtual Workshop Live. This special event will be held remotely on Zoom with a maximum of 15 participants. You will go through the Safety Consultant Blueprint course with Sheldon from 9 am EST-1 pm EST for 3 days. 

Abby Ferri, CSP endorsed me on LinkedIn saying "Sheldon has an awesome approach to safety and safety consulting. He is always open to discussing strategies, even with other consultants as a mentor. His viewpoint is so important in this industry because our fellow safety pros need to innovate and use technology to their advantage! When a new or aspiring safety consultant reaches out to me for advice, I give them what I have and direct them to Sheldon."

Also Jay Allen, Ph.D. said in our first interview together  “I really think you have a genuine good product there that can really assist people if they are interested in becoming a safety consultant”.

With the knowledge you’ll get from this course you will be able to choose projects that suits your strengths and financial needs.

Are you ready to invest in your future? You can recoup your investment with your next project!

Find out more about this event

Thanks for following and supporting my as I strive to keep you in the "know".

Have a great day,

