the recording of yesterday's session is ready! (St.George's 2023)

Apr 28, 2023 3:42 pm

Hello !

I was glad to count on you in yesterday’s ‘Saint George’s 2023’ Masterclass session.

I really hope that you could learn new concepts which will help you get better in your Pronunciation and Oral Skills in English.

In the Masterclass we talked about:

  • the importance of Saint George’s festivity in England and Catalonia. And what brings together both cultures.
  • interesting details about Shakespeare’s life and death.
  • the importance of Pronunciation to further your Oral Skills.
  • the detailed analysis of one of Shakespeare’s most well-known sonnets, considering literary aspects such as tone, meanings and metrics.
  • Pronunciation aspects: rhythm and stress, intonation and articulation, contrasting Spanish and English

I must say you won’t find any of this anywhere on the web, or in any published book. Everything here has been developed by me, with love and care.

Since all this has taken a great effort to build, what I’m asking you to do, is to find the time to spread the word. Share what you learnt in your social network, FB, Instagram, or LinkedIn and mention my name, by tagging me.

 ESP. Fíjate de escribir una reseña breve de lo que aprendiste en tus redes sociales y mencionarme @

If you couldn’t come to this Masterclass, the recording will do the trick. The only thing you will have missed is the possibility of meeting amazing people and chatting with us live. Well, next time!


Hope you have an excellent -long- weekend (in Spain) and see you back soon!

Anna Nadal.image
