[XMAS BREAK blues] Are you looking back or looking ahead?

Jan 08, 2024 7:51 pm

Hi, dear !

If you're tired of receiving mails saying 'Happy new 2024!' I won't say it.

Let me just tell you, I've just come back from holidays...well, not holidays but a Christmas break rather - and I feel I'm still not really into the "working" mode. Yes, I've got the blues.

Since maybe this is the case with you, let me just reflect with you upon a question I asked myself yesterday.

Yesterday we drove 700km from Spain back to Switzerland...something like a 6,5 h-ride if you just do a pit-stop. More than 7 if you encounter traffic. Or heavy rain. But for us, it was an incredible super-fast coming back. Lots of wind (gusts of more than 60km/h) and a bit of light snow but nothing else. Oh! and yes, our cat Connie was happy to be home earlier than later.

Why am I saying all this? When I'm co-pilot, in the front seat, I have plenty of time to look through the window. And at one point I was admiring the different clouds, shaped by the tramuntana winds high up ahead when my husband called my attention: Anna, look at the sunset, at your back!


And so I did. A blazing red horizon could be seen in my side mirror. Simply amazing.

I am not a person who often looks back. But when I do, it is to appreciate something nice. It's soul comforting. And while it is good to look ahead and be hopeful for the new year, it's also good to appreciate what you have left behind and give thanks.

You are a different person now. Look how far you've reached!

And you, , are you a person who looks ahead?

If you are, may 2024 bring you lots of joy, health and love.

If you are still thinking of what you left behind in 2023, may you be able to appreciate how much you've grown.

