You told us and we listened, so we need your help, {{contact.first_name}}

May 01, 2021 12:01 am


Thanks for all your feedback a couple of days ago, .

As a result of it, we are saying goodbye to Time to Pee in this format. So we are asking you to re-subscribe for an EXCLUSIVE FREE surprise activity, so.....

Click here to re-subscribe for a FREE SURPRISE ACTIVITY

But, WHY are we doing this?

We heard from a few of you that daily activities are just a little bit too much, and we have noticed that too from our data.

So - we are listening.

We are giving you the option of being told when there is new activity-related content on the site as it gets released exclusively.

We'll let you know about everything from our free activities sheets, to crafts and recipes, even the odd RELEVANT giveaway. We have LOADS of fun ideas in the pipeline, including some activities only available to Time to Pee members!

Just sign up below to join us in the all new Time to Pee club!


If you don't want to stay on our email list, don't do anything, and we will delete you.

We will cry, but we do understand 🤣

We do hope that you like us enough to stay. If you aren't sure - explore the site to find out! We've had an amazing new make over.

Take care,


Mum of two,

Winging it just like you
