Do you find yourself struggling to see the possibilities around you in these challenging times?
Then it's time to look within you and Discover your Made for More.
There comes a time in our lives when we have to make or take that one step that will transform everything in our lives.
To say YES to our dreams and who we desire to be.
That is not the time to hold back but to move forward.
If you have tried so many principles, methods, steps, and ways to achieve your goals and get to your desired destination but it has failed then you have finally found the SECRET to your success.
My exact strategies that moved me from a laid-off employee to becoming a best-selling author with 4 books, a global award winner in coaching and mentoring, an international conference speaker, and a recognized coach for African Women.
In 2016 I was part of two hundred people who were laid off due to a retrenchment exercise carried out by my former employer.
This disappointing situation turned my whole life upside down.
I felt like I was a failure, I loved my job so much and had plans to become a senior executive and also build my dreams around my job.
When I lost my job, I lost my dreams. I cried for almost 3 months, felt sick and lost weight. People were wondering what was happening to me.
I felt I was not good enough that was why I was laid off and that thought hunted my life which crippled me from taking actions towards my dreams.
I told myself what is there to dream about again? I lost it!!!
We sometimes tend to allow the setbacks we have been through stop us from experiencing the best version of our lives.
We think because something bad has happened to us that is the end of our lives.
Have you ever allowed the setbacks you have been through stop you as a woman?
I can understand you!!!
I want you to use my story and the life I am living now to know that you are MADE FOR MORE no matter what you have been through.
I am now a published author of three books, a coach, founded 5 businesses and an international Conference speaker.
I love what I am doing now and am fulfilled by helping other women see possibilities in themselves and showing them how they can overcome self-sabotage and limiting beliefs stopping them.
Showing them how to monetize their gifts, share their story impact by speaking and writing.
Grace Quarshie