Instagram LogoSled work is often under utilized in training programs, although its application has carry over for both sport specific and general physical preparedness (GPP). Sled drills allow for full body training with a low risk of injury. Here are 5 reasons you should incorporate sled work into your program design. 1️⃣ ESD (Energy System Development): depending on the parameters used (ie load, work to rest intervals, intent of the movement, etc) sled training can provide a training stimulus for both anaerobic and aerobic work capacities. 2️⃣ Speed/ Acceleration: Increases power output by moving weights with maximal intent of acceleration and speed. 3️⃣ GPP (General Physical Preparedness): Sleds can serve as a great tool combined with a strap, handles, and/or belt for various exercises such as rows, curls, extensions, face pulls, presses, lateral movement, and many more creative movements you can think of. A lot of volume can be trained with minimal recovery demands and minimal transition time between exercises. 4️⃣ Functional Strength: Establishes proper motor control, stabilization and balance around multi-joint movement. 5️⃣ Active Recovery: Can be done as low impact training minimizing stress on joints/tendons/ muscles. Sleds have minimal eccentric and axial loading while focusing primarily on the concentric phase of movement. Videos shown are just a few variations of sled usage. Ex: Unilateral or bilateral Explosive ? shove, forward/ backward sled walks and a simple walking bicep curl and tricep extension.