INTRODUCING the Ideal Strength App... Plus a Giveaway!

Oct 14, 2021 1:11 am


Hi there,

Exciting news!

I’m running a free giveaway. It takes 5 seconds for the chance to win an awesome prize.

Enter the giveaway by clicking the link below.


Enter the Giveaway!

Here’s a little bit more about the giveaway:

"Enter for your chance to win the following:

3 Months Unlimited Access to the NEW Ideal Strength Program App

Strategy Success Call with me (Dan)

Subject Zero Supplements

Strongbow Strength Gear"

After you enter, you can share with friends. For any friend you refer, you get three additional bonus entries.

I’d be grateful if you could enter and share. Here's the link again:

Enter the Giveaway!

P.S. If you want to check out the app, here is the link:

Visit the App

P.P.S. Feel free to forward this email to anyone that might be interested.

Good luck!

-Dan and Tasha
