Gorilla or kangaroo?

Feb 18, 2022 1:45 pm



Are you more like a gorilla or kangaroo when it comes to jumping? I know, I know, strange question. What I am really asking is do you rely on your brute strength to jump or more of the spring-like qualities of your musculotendinous system to display your hops?

Figuring out the answer to this question might unveil a key to your lower body training to help you take your strength or power to the next level. Don't worry, I'll walk you through how to do just that.

Absolute strength and absolute speed live on opposite ends of a spectrum. It may seem counter-intuitive but occasionally we must train the opposite side of the spectrum in order to unlock more progress.

If you are looking to improve your lower body strength and currently rely heavily on your strength to jump, you might find some benefit in adopting a bit more of the kangaroo-style of training (AKA plyometrics). Alternatively, if you are in tune with your inner-spring and can seamlessly float like a butterfly but you are lacking in the sting, you might find more benefit from prioritizing your lower body strength training over additional jump or speed training.

Below is an example of the Strength-Speed Spectrum and how it relates to various exercises in the squat movement pattern.


While training various elements of the strength-speed spectrum is important for most, it is helpful to be able to fine-tune your approach to what is needed at the moment. In order to figure this out, try the following assessment...



Alternatively, you can also use the following tool that I've put together in Excel to automate the math and training recommendation.

Download Vertical Jump Tool

Happy training!

- Dan
