How's your week going?

Oct 08, 2021 2:45 am

Hi ,

Time seems to be flying by. It's hard to believe we are already in October. It's almost time for Halloween and then before you know, the holidays are just around the corner. Is it just me or has this year flown by fast?

How is your week going so far?

Is there anything that I can help you with?

Here's my weekly update for October 7th, 2021...

Recently added Youtube Videos:

🎥 Banded Deadlift to Banded KB Swing Contrast Set


🎥 Bench Press to Band Assisted Plyo Pushup Contrast Set


🎥 Back Squat with Band Assisted Jump Cluster Set


Recent social media posts:

idealstrengthView Profile
Damn near EVERYONE can benefit from strength training.

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Working with youth athletes, it's important to prioritize movement quality first overload or speed. In order to best prepare them for their respective sports, I aim to have most of their training to be done on their feet and have found myself utilizing med-balls, bands, and bodyweight quite a bit within their sessions. We still lift, training all of the six foundational movement patterns with the goal of increasing movement quality, strength, stability, mobility, and overall movement competency. In addition, we are also including a decent amount of multi-planar work to focus on their ability to control their body through space as they prepare for their upcoming seasons. Here are a few of the drills I've been including mostly with the upperclassmen.

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idealstrengthView Profile
Hats off to @lukahocevar @stevekrebsi and the rest of the team at @vigorgroundfitness for putting on yet another phenomenal event. The Vigor Ground Fitness and Business Summit is a must-go if you are in the industry and looking to level up on your skills not only as a coach but also as a business and brand. I had a blast representing @painfreetraining, connecting with coaches from across the globe. Thanks to all the speakers, support staff, and attendees who attended for making this an unforgettable experience. Lots of takeaways and inspiration to pull from. Looking forward to the next one!

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Talk soon,

Dan Stephenson
