{{contact.first_name}} welcome to the Ideal Strength Training App

Nov 29, 2021 3:10 am



Welcome to the Ideal Strength Training App!

We are excited to have you on board with us and to be a part of the Ideal Strength family!

Hopefully, you have had a chance to download the app and get your account set up. The more information you provide the app (through manually entering and using the app), the better it gets!

The team on the backend of the app, MyStrengthBook, has been hard at work continuing to improve the app experience with new features and updates. To check out some of the features included within the app and to keep up to date on what's upcoming and new, follow the MyStrengthBook team on Instagram @mystrengthbook.

Please do join our EXCLUSIVE community for Ideal Strength Training App users and coaches. This is where you can get all of your questions answered, discuss the programs, share your progress, receive video feedback from coaches and peers, access additional resources, and more. Click the button below to request access to join.

Join Private FB Group

**Note - I know not everyone is on Facebook nor may want to be on Facebook. I am in the process of setting up another private group option and will update you when it is ready.

Lastly, please let me know if you have any questions. I truly do appreciate you and when we say Ideal Strength family, we mean it! Let me know if you need anything.

- Dan and Tasha
