Late notice: Thank you for your donations love

Dec 30, 2020 1:13 pm

Hey you! yay!

Hey, ever since you made a contribution on I have been wanting to reach out to you and share that I am feeling so thank full around the journey I have been undertaking for myself and yay to you for being a part of that hero's journey!

Sharing from all that I accumulated on my own rather unique heroes journey over the past 20 years caused me to create many so-called 'vehicles' of which SARI (Syntropic Agroforestry Research Institute) was my latest fantasy before creating the Course in Syntropy and activating the Brave New Life online ecosystem project (which is almost reaching completion!)

I realized that simply sharing from my own hero's journey is, humbly, all that I can speak from. In this video, I have gathered, as best as I could, a little bit of a more visual overview of my journey and how I have come to be so excited about sharing my mindsong on Syntropy with you!


During all my sharings over the past months, I have noticed how wonderful it has felt to feel free of the frequency to "prove" or provide any "credentials" or "explain" where I got my so-called "knowledge" from, I have just shared from the present, nownow to nownow moment, what has felt relevant to share.

I feel excited about this because I remember how I used to navigate so differently in the frequencies I was operating on in my thinking. As a teenager, I had adopted the programs of operating on the 'fake it 'till you make it' narrative, always being concerned about "other" or any "third party" in terms of "public perception" or how people would view me or think of me in order to become somehow "successful" in this world. In operating all of that entropic programming I never authentically shared me with the world (which in turn is actually only myself).

Of course, for years I have in healthy ways rebelled against the matrix-based programming, but it wasn't until I comprehended how the syntropic nature of life operates naturally, that I, who so forcefully was set on re-enabling my human nature and de-programming myself from cult-programming, was reminded that all of it is simply a natural process of coming back into rightful relationship with Life, with Love, with Nature, with my inner-landscape, with the world of feelings, and the purposeful function of thoughts that occur for me. The gardens of my mind, the gardens of my many worlds and ecosystems I am involved in, and of course the real gardens, right outside my doorstep!

I feel nice that with where I am now I am able to articulate the process and practical navigation involved in coming "home to Self", the returning to self sovereignty and how navigating the internal landscape can be made more effective. I know I haven't really gone there yet with you in our relating for as much as I know is possible and it is my fantasy that in the so called year of 2021 I can share more with you on the "going within" and restoring the "sacred church of the masculine and feminine" processes based on Syntropy.

If you want to explore this a bit further, on the blog I have some hintings at this "deeper work" i call the Return To Sophia (innate and divine wisdom)

I am still exploring how to share on this from the fullness of my own experience. One thing I do know; its' coming and, unless you unsubscribe, I am sending you an email on it in the timing. For now I really hope you enjoy some of my story in the video above.

Thankful for our connection, relating and your contributions to my ecosystem.

It certainly enables me to navigate with more vigor, focus and pleasure to keep sharing on Syntropy within our Human Ecology.

With love for Life from Bali,

