Flames of Wrath Giveway Winners

Dec 01, 2023 8:26 pm

Dear Readers,

It has been an exciting time with the release of Flames of Wrath. The work continues as I've been working to spread the news about the book. Here's a snippet of the story below. Enjoy!

“Officer Harrison, did that DNA test prove conclusively that Skyers assaulted my daughter?”

His curt nod surprised Geneva.

She sagged against the back of the chair and looked across at Spence, who seemed stricken. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

Harrison waved away her thanks. “That’s okay. In the meantime, I’d urge you not to do anything foolish.”

Her response was quick. “The thought never crossed my mind.”

“I wish I could believe you.” He shifted a file to the side in an impatient sweep of his hand. In a grudging tone, he said, “You may think you’re slick, but one day…”

Every shred of good will disappeared, and she snapped, “Why don’t you actually do what the government pays you for? To serve and protect, not harass a grieving parent.”

His eyes glimmered. “Mrs. Leighton, you’re out of line.”

Geneva pulled in a breath to speak, but Spence’s glare stopped her. A few dozen choice words came to her lips, but she kept her cool and said nothing. He could play Mr. Nice Guy with the know-it-all, slow-acting officer sitting opposite them, but the police weren’t leaving her any choice.

Christian Skyers may have run, but he couldn’t hide. Not as long as technology was her friend. It didn’t matter where he went; she’d find him.

The seriousness of the charges dictated that the law would deal harshly with him, but she didn’t have the confidence they would close their investigation swiftly enough to bring his case to trial. Radcliff Skyers was an influential man, which made it possible for justice to fall by the wayside. Either Christian or she would die before that happened.

Her resolve hardened while Officer Harrison pinned her with a steely gaze, as if she were a nuisance he couldn’t wait to be rid of. If he knew what was good for him, he’d find that rapist before the sun set this evening.

She picked up her handbag and took Spence’s hand, urging him out of the chair. “I have to get back to Alexia, plus there’s something important I must do before that.”

Officer Harrison’s eyes sharpened, and she gave him a smug smile. Let him wonder what her next move would be. She had more than enough tricks to keep him occupied.

Want to read more? Check out the reviews and snag your copy here.


The draw was done for the Flames of Wrath giveaway and the winners are listed on the Rafflecopter image below. Congratulations to those who won! There's another giveaway with the Flames of Wrath Blog Tour and that's an opportunity to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card. image

Download Siera London's newest series - Protectors of the Governor - directly from her website at https://authorsieralondon.com.


And about Lisa Dodson's next Harlequin romantic suspense release ...

She wants to protect women…

He needs to protect her.

Alexa King and Andrew Riker met when he trained her to be a bodyguard. Despite their simmering connection—and a few unguarded moments—she’s managed to keep their relationship purely professional. But now she runs her own security business, and her latest contract puts both her and Andrew in danger. She knows she can trust Andrew with her life. Will she trust him with her heart?


Here's hoping you enjoy your weekend. Be safe until next time!
