Zorra is here!

Aug 22, 2023 10:35 pm

Dear Readers,

Just a quick update. August has been super-hot to the point where I become dehydrated if I'm not careful. I hope you're keeping your fluid intake consistent. What I've been doing is staying topped up with cucumber water with a bit of lemon juice, and a touch of Himalayan salt. Do you have any special drink recipes that keep you hydrated? Here's hoping this heat breaks as we move into September.


Photo by Shameel mukkath

Today, Book 2 in the Life & Music Series was released. Zorra is like the daughter I never had and a time or two, she made me glad I never gave birth to a female child. Anyhoo, here's her story.

Never date an entertainer.

That's what Zorra Dyson tells herself, until she falls for a popular dancehall deejay, Kai X.

A heated argument between them goes viral, and she’s grateful to the guy who intervenes and prevents a bad situation from becoming worse.

Tristan is everything Kai is not, yet she vibes with him. It’s clear he has secrets, and when their budding friendship affects his job and Zorra’s approval rating with her father, she’s forced to rethink their connection.

A decision is easy, until Kai exposes Tristan’s devastating history on stage and hints that she’s the source. Kai’s game of revenge, plus the threat of being disowned by her father is a double-edged sword.

Yet, Zorra’s independence and the dream of a romance with someone who understands her are reason enough to follow her heart. That’s if Kai will let her go without ruining her life and what’s left of her reputation.

Check Zorra out at these links: microlinks.io/Zorra



And about the Flames of Wrath Giveaway. We had two winners as listed below. Look out for more fun and games.


If you do not yet know what Flames of Wrath is about, don't forget to hop over to microlinks.io/FlamesOfWrath or https://books2read.com/u/38ndpL

You won't want to miss Geneva Leighton's crusade to bring her daughter justice after a gruesome attack during spring break. Stay tuned for more news on Flames of Wrath.

Continue to stay safe and hydrated until next time!
