Exciting Book News!

Aug 28, 2024 10:38 pm

Treasured readers,

A couple of months have passed since I last touched base with you. Life has been hectic, with a major golf championship at work and another planned for early November.

Yep, both have cramped my style, but I'm grateful to be healthy and in my right mind, especially after the first tournament went ahead early this month, after Hurricane Beryl came through and caused upheaval and a postponement.

And now for the excitement ... first off, I found out that Flames of Wrath, my psychological thriller, is on sale today for $0.99. That's a major deal, so grab your copy now, before it goes back to regular price.


If you're still hesitating, here's what the novel is about ... A mother’s quest for justice turns into a race against time to stop insidious murders that mysteriously begin populating throughout the city. Download Flames of Wrath now!

The Promise Me A Miracle Series comes to you on November 5, so if you did not purchase the box set, here's your opportunity to pre-order these stories about a dynamic couple and their resourceful friends.

Everyone on Chicago’s A-list has RSVP’ed to Dro Reyes and Lola Samuels’ lavish wedding of the century. The date is set and all the decadent details are in place …

Until they aren’t. Within days, crucial components are crumbling beneath bizarre twists of fate. D Day is approaching—but will it stand for Dreams or Disaster? Can Dro and Lola’s friends work together to spin mayhem into magic?

Pre-order these standalone stories for your reading pleasure.


If you've made it this far, thanks so much for catching up with me. The writing continues and I'm spinning stories, as we writers do.

Here's hoping you and yours are well, and that you are taking good care of yourself.

Be blessed, and here's to good times for the September babies among us!
