Thanks for joining my audiobook team!

Sep 29, 2024 7:30 pm


Audiobook Team

Hi ,

You're receiving this email because you responded that you were interested in being a beta listener as I develop my future audiobooks.

Initially, I intended to send a test recording with this message where I only used my phone. The biggest reason being that I'm not sure if anyone will like the sound of my voice. So I wanted to make sure that my voice at least was acceptable before investing in professional equipment.

But my plan has changed. A friend of mine reached out to me a couple days ago and she recently purchased the equipment I would need and wants to help me record my books. Since she currently lives a few hours away, we need to figure out the scheduling side of things, but I believe I'll have something to work with fairly soon.

I have no doubt that this will be a learning curve, so I hope you'll be willing to bear with me while I figure everything out. Either way, I'm excited about the possibilities. Ultimately, I'd like to get to the point where I can release audiobooks with the ebook and print versions. But I'll be focusing on the backlog first.

Since I have two audiobooks out already, I'll be starting with Once upon a Rose.

For now, I wanted to give you access to the two audiobooks I currently have available. Once upon a Shoe is exclusive to Audible, so I have to send it through them. To get your free copy, reply to this message so I know you're still on board and I'll send you your code.

For Once upon a Silent Song, I've uploaded a few options of file types onto my Google drive for you since I wasn't sure which one would be best. I'm open to ideas, but I'm thinking this is how I will share files as I record them for all future audiobooks.

Let me know if you have any other thoughts. I'll be reaching out to you again when I have a recording needing feedback. Don't forget to let me know if you want the Audible code for Once upon a Shoe.

Best of wishes,

