You + Me - Live Today!

Oct 06, 2022 1:01 pm


Friendly Reminder - I am on a panel with TD Direct Investing for Canadian DIY Investors....And you are all invited!

TD Bank is one of Canada’s largest banks serving 22 million clients worldwide and managing $453 billion in assets.

The Live session at 1-2 pm EST today.

I share my personal journey alongside with 2 Canadian DIY investors and how we developed our own investing approach (and you can too). You may have heard of Shay on Youtube - 'The Humbled Trader', or read Henry Mah's books on dividend growth.


In this panel, we share our unique investing styles to help you shape your own.

Topics covered:

1) Day Trading from a Canadian perspective.

2) Ever growing income in a TFSA.

3) Creating Multiple Streams of Income in Canada while having a career.

✅ You also have the opportunity to ask us questions during this session.

Register Now: October 6, 2022, 1-2 PM EST

Register Now

I hope to see there,


Tracy Ma, P.Eng, PMP |

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