Habits are everything
Jan 16, 2023 7:56 am
Last week I talked about imagining the best version of yourself and trying to act as that version.
(If you're a new subscriber, you can read the last week's newsletter here.)
This week I'd like to give you some practical tips and show you how I'm trying to implement that into my own life.
I firmly believe that habits are the most important thing in our lives.
Habits form you.
Habits make you who you are.
And habits will shape your future.
Because only consistent action matters.
You won't have a perfect body after one workout.
You will not get rich by working only one day.
You won't create a meaningful relationship in one date.
I'll show you what I mean.
This is my daily schedule right now.
6:30 waking up + morning hygiene
7:00 - 8:00 workout
8:00 - 9:00 shower, breakfast, dressing up
9:00 - 17:30 work
18:00 - 20:00 family time
20:00 - 22:00 leisure, videogames, Netflix, etc.
What can you read from that?
What do I care about?
What do I prioritize?
Where could I improve?
3 things are important to me: family, work, and fitness.
How can I improve?
I still waste around 2 hours in the evening.
This should be my #1 priority.
What would the ideal version of me do?
Maybe I could write my newsletters every evening instead of doing it on the weekend.
Maybe I should dedicate that time to spending more time with my wife.
The most important thing is that those two hours don't make a difference in my life right now.
They're not making me happy, they're not making me better, and they're mostly wasted.
So let's change it. Let's do something. Maybe imperfectly but still, let's move forward.
Till next time