How to finish your online course in less than 2 weeks!

Feb 10, 2023 7:17 pm


Do you also get bored and tend to shift your attention to something else when your online course is running for two weeks or more? Then allow me to give you a hack to finish it before a twinkle of an eye!


In my conversation with some students who happen to be my friends, I discovered that most of the time the problem isn't really the course but the person taking the course. I mean you!

Please don't take it personal, it's just one of the hazards of being on our mailing list. Did you smile? So then I can proceed.

The issue with getting tired before you conclude an online course that could even improve your life is the short attention span syndrome. This is simply not being able to fully concentrate on a task for a considerable amount of time before taking a break which slows your productivity rate.

If this is the situation for you, then do this;

  • Create a to-do list with your course included.
  • Begin at the exact time you scheduled for. Procrastination would do you no good.
  • Try not to learn on an empty stomach. You would be distracted 80% of the time.
  • Ensure to take a break every hour to stretch your muscles.
  • Only do social media if it is part of the course practical. Except for that, setting your phone on Do Not Disturb (DND) is a safe bet.
  • Practise attentive listening. One of the ways to achieve whole-body listening is by taking notes from your online class.

If you can try this hack in a month, trust me you would be shocked at how much knowledge you can achieve in a short period and how these courses would profit you, especially with how badly unstable the economy has become.

By the way, if you are unsure of which course to take, then you shouldn't worry anymore as FS Academy offers courses on almost every good paying digital niche. Simply click on the link below to check out our catalog and begin to walk the road to self-development immediately;

Learn with FS Academy


Best Regards,

Talithacumi Edom,

Marketing Specialist,

Future Syllabus,
