{{contact.first_name}}, Chevening changed my life, it can change yours too

Aug 08, 2022 6:57 am

, Chevening changed my life and it can change yours too.


Applications are now open for 2023-2024 and before you run around seeking people to assist you with your application, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Am I truly passionate about a course or am I just excited at the prospect of scoring an all funded scholarship?
  2. Is my main aim just to study abroad, to japa or to really gain knowledge that I’ll truthfully apply to make an impact?
  3. Do you really want Chevening or do you like the idea of it?

This introspection is important because the process of getting Chevening is a gruelling one and you can barely pull through without passion.

Chevening doesn’t care about your First Class degree. Chevening is literally asking you, what do you bring to the table and why should this matter to us?

You’ll write essays to demonstrate this and you’ll defend your essays in an interview.

So, if all you’re interested in is passing your exams or just making money or graduating to work in an oil company or only to japa, maybe you should rethink applying to Chevening.


How to win a Chevening Scholarship

How to Apply for Chevening Scholarship

