How to gain visibility on Telegram and...

Sep 08, 2022 11:01 am


Do you know owning a Telegram supergroup as a business owner is the best business strategy to leverage in 2022?

So I did very in-depth research on how profitable a Telegram supergroup is and trust me you aren't ready to be blown away!


This is a big deal for me and should also be for you because as a business person, you need a Telegram group to keep your customers close with updates on your products or services.

That is why you see crypto communities or digital course creators owning Telegram supergroups because the higher the number of leads you can keep close, the easier you can convert them to customers and make profit from their patronage.

Another big deal about supergroups is that you don't need to constantly send new welcome updates like WhatsApp whenever new members join.

The history of all previous conversations is available to new members.

In fact, the major icebreaker for me is that as a digital course creator when you share any type of file or document, you can limit access to who you want to download or not.

For instance, you organize a webinar and your students need to pay to be able to access certain files, you can monitor the process of downloading and restrict those who aren't legible to download.

As a matter of fact, there are so many discoveries I found. This is why I am giving you a FREE access to the Telegram Supergroup Sales Formula course for you to learn how to use Telegram to sell your Digital Courses.

Part of what you would be exposed to are;

  • How to create a Telegram Supergroup
  • How to lock and protect files from being saved or shared
  • How to generate temporary and permanent invite links and more

Want to acquire this priceless skill already? Then click on the link below to get started;

Telegram Supergroup Sales Formula Course


Best Regards,

Talithacumi Edom,

Marketing Specialist,

Future Syllabus,
