Guess who's getting married in January?

Dec 22, 2022 8:10 pm


You may be wondering where "Cumi from Future Syllabus" has been all this while. I started my final exams and graduated last week from the University. Thank you, I heard that congratulations already.


But guess what's bigger for us to celebrate?

Someone is getting married as well in January. The universe has just been too kind. You must already have been wondering who the lucky man is, isn't it? I promise I'd spill the tea but first this.

Everyone deserves to be with that one person that doesn't just love, care, supports and roots for you but also who is ever willing to genuinely motivate you to keep building capacity in all levels.

For me, this is a big flex because as humans, they are days we need external strength to push ourselves to work, pray, study, anything at all that is productive to you and useful for your growth.

This is why in my case I am choosing to spend the rest of my life; beginning in January with a partner that greatly encourages me to not take my chances at life when of course he has everything to offer me.

FS Academy is this partner of mine, whom by January I'd be exploring some of it's courses I haven't studied yet. Most especially, the YouTube Monetization Masterclass.

I mean people like you and I are doing big things on YouTube and earning. Some are even just "catching cruise" and still getting paid once they hit 1k subscribers that allows them to monetize the app. Don't you think we can do this together?

Let's rock this and more in January as accountability partners who want to see each other at the top. We should begin by 3rd of January but before then, I want you to do this – click on the link below to register the course ahead, after that add it to your reminder, then celebrate the season and on the 3rd of January, we shoot! Of course, I'd also be here to remind you of our wedding date.

So do we have a deal?

YouTube Monetization Masterclass


Best Regards,

Talithacumi Edom,

Marketing Specialist,

Future Syllabus,
