I tricked people but I didn't steal from them!

Nov 24, 2022 5:31 pm


You have probably shouted "we have caught the thief today" twice after seeing my subject line but not to worry I am very much God-fearing like you so I only tricked these people but didn't steal from them.


Want to know who these people are? Then you must give me your attention. That's a deal, right?

One key thing I have learnt in my months of interning as an email marketer with Future Syllabus is that marketing is psychological. To send an email that converts, my subject line has to trigger, trigger you to open it before you realize you have done that already.

This gets even more interesting because it applies to every type of marketing whether as a cloth vendor, foodstuff supplier, service provider, etc, who is utilizing the digital space to market your business especially if you have competitors all over the place.

If you want to major in writing to attract your audience, then you must hook them with your headline. If you're looking to do more of video content, your video title and intro has to do the magic.

Without this, you would spend precious time putting content together only to get few engagement, open rate, clicks or conversion as the case may be. But they are ways to tackle this especially if you want to really grow your business/brand and upgrade your financial status.

On FS Academy, we have series of pocket-friendly courses that cater to marketing successfully online with enough guide on copywriting, content marketing and every other marketing strategy you can think of.

Don't miss this privilege rather take the step to invest in yourself and change your status for a lifetime by clicking on this link to access our courses that meet your need. You know, you can also trick without stealing if you hit this link, right?

Click here to Enrol


Best Regards,

Talithacumi Edom,

Marketing Specialist,

Future Syllabus,

