Why are young people making this mistake?

Dec 08, 2022 6:37 pm


As a young person, try as much as possible not to confine yourself to a particular niche.

Infact we all deserve accolades for how versatile we are in this present age which wasn't an ideal in the days of our parents.


But here are the mistakes you might be making even in being versatile.

I have been in the midst of young persons before who were pitching about their many skills but I noticed some of them were occupying themselves with almost everything which wasn't actually in sync with their values.

Here's what I mean.

If you're into Comms or anything that has to do with using the digital space for awareness, best selling side skills you should own include social media management/marketing, copywriting, photography, video editing, SEO, content and email marketing.

With these skills, you can sharpen your expertise in leveraging the media space to ace your career and land jobs in the various fields.

For Email marketing, FS Academy offers the course with an in-depth knowledge on;

  • Email Marketing 2022: what is Email Marketing?
  • MailChimp Tutorial for Beginners 2022.
  • How to use Sendfox for Email Marketing: Step by Step.
  • Email Copywriting for Beginners: Complete Tutorials.
  • Personalization tips for your Email Marketing Strategy.
  • Email Marketing Copy example and even more...

What makes this more interesting is that at the end of the day, you are entitled to a certificate of completion as an advantage to boost your resume and even a practice test at the end of the day to give you some experience.

To get started, simply click on the link below and walk your journey into becoming the next most valuable email marketer ever!

Email Marketing with MailChimp, Sendfox, Gmail beginner course


Best Regards,

Talithacumi Edom,

Marketing Specialist,

Future Syllabus,

