2021 Personal Development Summer Bootcamp



Superkid Academy is an Online Personal Development Bookclub for Children Ages 6 to 13.


▪️Read, Listen or Watch the mini book for the day.

▪️Write or Record your Review and,

▪ Submit your review before 8pm Daily.

(The review will be a general summary of what you personally learnt from the book.)

The review will not be more than 120 words (written) or 3.00minutes (audio/voice note).

✍️Less than 30 minutes daily engagement is all your child(ren) need to invest to get the best of this program.

From Dear Child Success Book Series.

Day 1: Lessons from ▪️Think and Grow Rich.

Day 2: ▪️The Richest Man in Babylon 

Day 3: ▪️Laws of Growth

Day 4: ▪️Acres of Diamonds

Day 5: ▪️Magic of Believing

Day 6: ▪️80/20 Principles

Day 7: ▪️Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Day 8: ▪️Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Day 9: ▪️The Science of Getting Rich

From Dear Child Universal Laws Series.

Day 10: Lessons from▪️The Law of Cause and Effect

Day 11: ▪️The Law of Responsibility

Day 12: ▪️The Law of Service

Day 13: ▪️The Law of Giving

Day 14: ▪️The Law of Words

Day 15: ▪️The Law of Love

From Dear Child Personal Development Series.

Day 16: Lessons from ▪️Personal Growth

Day 17: ▪️Self- Discipline

Day 18: ▪️Gratitude

Day 19: ▪️Habits

Day 20: ▪️Mentorship

Day 21: ▪️Vision Board

From Dear Child Biography Series.

Day 22: Lessons from ▪️Mother Teresa

Day 23: ▪️Nelson Mandela

Day 24: ▪️Graig Kielburger

Day 25: ▪️Michael Jordan

Day 26: ▪️Mattie Stepanek

Day 27: ▪️Alfred Nobel

Day 28: ▪️Walt Disney 

Day 29: ▪️Thomas Edison 

Day 30: ▪️Goal Setting for Academic Excellence

Registration and Participation Fee Per 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Family of 1 to 6 Children. ₦5000/$10 (Early Birds Fee. From 5th to 15th July).

Regular Fee: ₦10,000/$20 (16th to 30th July)

All 30 ebooks and Certificate of Participation inclusive.

Daily Book Reading and Review Online.

AUGUST 1st - 30th 2021

Click on link below to reserve a spot for your children 👇

Online Payment: https://www.selar.co/SummerBootcamp

Bank Transfer:

Faiththinz Resources...

Access (Diamond) Bank


After payment, send your proof of payment to 08034308045 (Whatsapp) for confirmation.


I must commend the group that organized this program especially Ogo Ogbueli, the author. A well thought out book series that would set any child that puts his/her mind to following the principles for a successful life. For me here are some of the learnings I have gained from this program as a parent.

1. A structured way for my child to do book reviews. We have been struggling with this.

2. The benefit of bite sized reading and reflecting on what has been read.

3. An improved culture of reading for the child.

4. This study has kicked off some conversations I have been thinking of how to start but didn’t even know how to.

5. The principles for setting a schedule for the child’s development and supporting the child.

6. I now know better what I need to do to raise a godly child.

7. The power of social learning cannot be underestimated. I learnt so much from the reviews posted on this platform.

Well done again 👏👏👏



Good afternoon organisers of superkid bootcamp. I really appreciate you and thank God for you sending out this opportunity to the children. I must let you know that not only my daughter benefited from this programme, I was immensely blessed too.I told her that during my time we were not privy to this kind of information, that she should let all that she learnt guide her and not joke with it. Please I want to know how we can have the hardcopy of this book. Thanks so much. God bless you all 🙏🏼.



Good Morning to you all,

I want to appreciate the committee that set up this 30 days researched, well articulated write ups for our Children just to make a world a better place for them. Your selfless service and your sleepless night will be rewarded.

My family and I benefited from this program and my children will use that part of book that said 'I CAN' and 'FOCUS' to always remind themselves that they can do all things through Jesus Christ that strengthen them.

In fact, this exercise really changed my family a lot positively. I have to produce a hard copy of this soft copy to avoid stories that touches the heart because I need it to be a reminder to my children. 

My gratitude goes to that benevolent man/woman that paid for my children to be on this platform. Sir/ma, you kind gesture took them to the next level and it made a positive impact on them. You will never lack, thank you once again.

To all our Children who participated, well done and keep learning to grow and to the parents and guardians, kudos and keep supporting our children.

May God bless and expand us in all our endeavors.

Mrs. Onwumelu Eugenia on behalf on my children.


Click on link below to reserve a spot for your children 👇

Online Payment: https://www.selar.co/SummerBootcamp

Bank Transfer:

Faiththinz Resources...

Access (Diamond) Bank


After payment, send your proof of payment to 08034308045 (Whatsapp) for confirmation.

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