New blog on Career Development

Jul 12, 2021 8:01 pm

My Dear Subscribers,

I hope you have been enjoying my emails on life skills.  I have enjoyed reading your comments and stories from those of you that have replied.  Thank you so much for your contributions.

I am writing to you today to let you know that I have started a new blog on career development, particularly how to make a first good impression in those initial 90 days and then every 90 days after that.   The blog will also include tips on transitioning successfully into any job, promotion or career change.

Here's the link to my blog:

My mission is to help you in your life and career development and to give you the tools and strategies needed to identify the goals that matter to you most and to reach them faster than you ever thought would be possible.

You are now subscribed to two email lists, one on life skills and the other on career development.  If at any time the content is not relevant to you, please unsubscribe to either one or both if you wish.  Although I will be sad to see you go, I would hate to know that I’m cluttering your inbox.

If there is any content on career development that you would like to see here, please reply to this email as I would love to hear from you and welcome any suggestions of blog content you would like to see.

Here is the link again to my blog post:image

Your devotee,

Joanne Savoie-Malone
