LAST QUARTER of 2023 - Embrace the Harvest Season: Career Reflection in Midlife

Oct 05, 2023 6:01 pm


Dear ,

I hope this message finds you well. As we enter the year’s final quarter, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the passage of time and the changing seasons. Just as the natural world experiences transitions throughout the year, our lives and careers also go through cycles. Dr. Henry Cloud beautifully illustrates this concept in his book Necessary Endings, which encourages us to plan our careers with the seasons in mind. We currently find ourselves in the Fall season, traditionally associated with harvest. This season offers valuable insights and lessons for career development:

1. Harvest Your Life’s Work

Midlife is a time to reap the rewards of a lifetime of hard work and dedication. Reflect on your career journey thus far. What achievements can you celebrate? Think about the skills you’ve honed, the experiences you’ve gained, and the wisdom you’ve acquired over the years. As you approach the second half of your career, take pride in your accomplishments and recognize your valuable contributions.

2. Assess and Reflect

With midlife comes a natural inclination for reflection. Take this opportunity to evaluate your career trajectory. Have you achieved the goals you set in your earlier years? What have you learned from your experiences, both positive and challenging? What are your values? Engaging in self-assessment is essential to gain a clearer understanding of your path forward. Recognize the wisdom that comes with age and use it to inform your future decisions. Here's a document to get you started on your BRAND INVENTORIES.

3. Plan for Continued Growth

Just as the harvest season precedes the next planting season, this quarter is an excellent time to plan for continued growth in your career. What skills or knowledge do you need to adapt to the changing landscape of your industry? Consider investing in lifelong learning and personal development. Whether it’s acquiring new skills, exploring different career avenues, or working part-time, the second half of your career and life can transform and expand.

4. Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

In nature, Fall is a season of shedding leaves and letting go of what is no longer needed. Similarly, assessing your work habits, projects, and relationships is essential. In his book Necessary Endings, Dr. Henry Cloud writes about what we can give up to move forward. Are aspects of your career, life, and relationships no longer aligned with your values and goals? Be open to letting go of commitments or habits that no longer serve you. This decluttering process can create space for new opportunities and a more purposeful career path and life.

5. Prepare for the Next Season

As Winter follows Fall, preparing for the next phase of your career is crucial. What are your long-term career goals? How can you lay the foundation for your future during this midlife season? Consider the legacy you want to leave and the impact you want to make. Midlife can be a time of renewed focus on your passions and reevaluating your career priorities. Who do you want to be in 2024?

6. Embracing the Wisdom of Midlife

The fourth quarter is a season of wisdom and reflection, a time to draw upon the years of experiences and knowledge you’ve gathered. By embracing your life’s lessons, you can navigate your career and ambitions with purpose and intention. Seek support and camaraderie with mid-life peers, as they can provide valuable insights, guidance, and encouragement. Join communities of like-minded people, for example, in this case, my newly-created Facebook group, “Women Thriving After 50: Career Focus.”

Planning and reflecting should be a part of your habits and routines Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly. As you journey through the seasons of life, remember that your career and passions are integral to your life’s narrative. Embrace the lessons of the harvest season, from celebrating your life’s work to letting go of what no longer serves you. Doing so creates a path that aligns with your aspirations and values, ensuring that the second half of your life is as fulfilling and purposeful as the first, and this time, do it on your terms.

Start thinking of 2024 and the first quarter, which will be in the Winter Season. Planning for the Winter season involves a different focus than other ones. Winter is a season of rest, rejuvenation, and preparation for the future. 


The last quarter of the year is like Fall, where reflection, growth, and transformation are yours to reap. As you embrace the wisdom that comes with the phase of midlife, you can navigate with renewed purpose and clarity. Let this quarter be a time of reaping the rewards of this year’s past efforts and sowing the seeds for a fulfilling future in 2024. Together, we can support one another on this journey, drawing strength from the shared experiences of midlife and the wisdom it imparts.

What strategies or tips do you have for staying productive

and motivated during the final quarter of the year?

Wishing you a season of abundance!

Do you feel stuck in your career? Just reply to this email if you would like to chat. You can also book a time with me here 😊

Are you in midlife searching for fulfillment but feel defeated, low energy and unmotivated? Get back on your game with renewed energy and motivation and discover your purposeful future with my 6-week program, Career Discovery and Fulfillment in Midlife, starting October 26th. Reply to this email if you would like more information.

Until next week,image

Be at peace, just where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Founder of Power Play Career

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