Urgent - Closing tonight

Mar 13, 2021 12:32 am

Hey ,

You still there?

I’m asking because today is the FINAL day to get my YB 12 program before the cart closes!


Here's the good news:

There's still a little time left to join the party. You can get in before the buzzer and finally start living your life on your terms. 

That’s what Pavla did.  At 60, she had been laid off from a VP position because of restructuring.  She did not need to work, and family and friends told her she had a fantastic career and it was time to retire.  That depressed her.  She dreamed of working with start-ups, advising them and working about 3-4 days a week while continuing to enjoy outdoor activities.  Today, she’s working three days a week with a start-up in the US and making more money than she did working full time.  She’s no longer depressed and enjoying her life.

You can get these kinds of results as well. 

Join the YB 12 program and get a 12 module course with a thorough self-assessment with monthly life skills to help you reach your goals, passions and dreams.

So go here to get in now!


I’ll be watching my inbox for any last-minute questions, so just reply to this email if anything is holding you back.

But hurry!

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Chief Energy Officer
