Special Offer

Mar 11, 2021 12:09 am

Hello ,

As you know, we opened the doors to the YB 12 Program earlier today. For fast action takers, we’re offering two special bonuses to the first ten people:

  1. A beautifully designed workbook to get you started identifying your purpose, reviewing your wheel of life (compass) and identifying your four major goals and micro-steps to achieve them.
  2. A hardcover agenda/journal to guide you in this 12-month journey will ensure that you keep everything in one place as you plan out your best year ever.

Together, these bonuses will add fuel to the fire as you overcome the distraction and frustration of getting off track and finally have the year to reach those goals and start living out your dreams and finally have clarity about what you want and how to get it.

You don’t need to keep fighting the same frustrations and problems. Venting is great. It’s healthy. But you know what’s even better?

Taking action.

So go here right now to get all the details you need about it before the doors close four days from now. 


Talk soon!

Joanne Savoie-Malone

P.S. I know this might be a big decision for you. So don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you have whatsoever. Just reply to this email, and I’ll get back to you fast!  We can also schedule a 20-minute discovery call.
