Supercharge Your Resume with These Power Words!

Sep 11, 2024 5:21 am

Hi ,

Let’s be honest—writing a resume can feel like a chore. But here’s a secret: the right words can turn a good resume into a standout one. That’s where action verbs come in. They’re the secret sauce that makes hiring managers go, “Wow, this person gets stuff done!”

We’ve pulled together 25 of the most impactful action verbs (in both past and present tense) to help you highlight your skills and accomplishments like a pro. No more boring, bland resumes. Think of it as adding rocket fuel to your job search.

Here’s what’s inside:

  • 25 power verbs to make your resume pop
  • Definitions (so you actually know what you're saying)
  • Real-life examples of how to work them into your resume without sounding like a robot

Free bonus: Because we’re cool like that, here’s a tip sheet to keep handy: Top 25 Resume Keywords with Definitions and Examples.

So, go ahead—supercharge that resume and get ready for your next interview!


Nickquolette "The Get Hired Strategist" Barrett
