🎇 It's National Update Your Résumé Month! 🎇

Sep 02, 2021 3:17 am


Hi !

Guess what September is??? You got it! It's......

National Update Your Résumé Month!

For Former Clients.....

If you are a former client, you are part of the iRock Community and qualify for the iRefresh program! Yay! This means we charge a flat rate for updates on career documents we wrote. Why? Because, we want to be your first choice for all your career document needs!

iRefresh rates:

  • $197 - résumé or *LinkedIn profile update only
  • $247 - résumé and cover letter
  • $397 - résumé, cover letter, and *LinkedIn Profile

*applies only if iRock also wrote your LinkedIn profile.

So, if you are ready to update, click on the links above to get started.

Yes, I need iRefresh!

For Future Clients

If you have been on the fence about advancing your career by landing your dream job and earn the salary you deserve, NOW IS THE TIME!

Did you know....The average job search is 40 weeks without professional assistance? If you desire a $100K/year salary, that means every week you're not earning that salary, it's costing you about $1,923,07 per week or $384.62 per day over a 5-day work week. Cut that time in half by investing in your next dream job.

No more playing small.

Make an investment in yourself that will pay you back in a 10% or more increase in your salary. Our clients have increased their salary by as much as 40% with signing bonuses to boot. So, don't look at the investment....focus on the ROI - return on your investment.

Check out our new website and secure your spot now!

For every order, you will receive the digital version of my e-book, You're Hired! - 10 Tips to Rock Out Your Résumé to Land an Interview.

Yes, I'm Ready to Play Big!

P.S. If the services are outside your budget at this time and you are not in a hurry for your documents, we offer payment plans.

Career Assessment Anyone??

We now use a 60 second Career Assessment (yes, it really only take a minute) in our document writing process.

The assessment gives us greater insight of who you are as a professional so we can write even more impactful documents for you! It's a full 10 page report and get this...it's only $25! Not like some that can average $150 or more to access the complete report.

Curious? Click the button below to read all about it and to download my report as a sample.

My Personal Career Assessment

Here's some feedback we have gotten so far...

"Hi Nickquolette! I just did the career assessment and am blown away at how a 60 second activity could figure me out! I can't wait to discuss this with you." - Kimberly

"No way....this is spot on. It's so me. So much so it's eerie. And, it was quick!" - Ian

"Wow! I Every assessment I have ever taken said I am artistic. I just never really thought of myself as that way. I have to dig deeper into that and explore it." - Shameeka

Come take a break...

Last but not least, if you have not joined The Break Room FB Group, what are you waiting for? Join us! We are starting up again after the Labor Day with fresh topics and lots of laughs! Join in on the riveting conversations we have.

Well, that's all for now.....

Until next time,

Nickquolette aka The "Get Hired!" Strategist
