What to expect when you're grieving...

Sep 06, 2024 12:40 pm

Short on time? Click to watch the new project video on YouTube!

Did you know that the "5 stages of grief" (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance) are NOT for grievers, but for those who are dying? As a culture, I think that we've latched onto the five stages because it gives us a sense of control in the very area we feel completely OUT of control.


I think that we like the idea of stages because they help us understand how this roller-coaster-called-grief will go, and particularly, when it will end...

The reality is quite different though. Every grief journey looks different and it’s more of a life-long process with ups and downs, forwards backwards, than a five-stage-experience to completed in a year or two.


This NEW FREE therapeutic art video is one of my favorite projects because it's literally SO. SIMPLE. it can be done in 2 minutes or twenty. It's for all ages and skill levels and you only need two supplies: something to write with and something to write on.

A word of caution, though. This project is liable to cause a seismic shift in the way you've seen your grief journey. Prepare to be shaken out of your victimhood (aka, "loss is something that has happened to me and I have no control.") and be ushered into a new understanding of your agency.


Watch it on YouTube (11 min)

Use this project to help yourself understand what you’ve gone through and where you’re headed. Learn to turn the pain on its head and find some meaning in your story. 

So find a quiet space this weekend, grab something to write with and something to write on and let’s go!


PS: This project works for all kinds of grief/loss: death of a loved one, loss of a job/relationship/health, or big changes such as motherhood or a move. Watch it here.
