Coach yourself with this DIY activity!

Apr 22, 2021 7:06 pm

Hey there ,

As someone interested in creatively processing your emotions and life experiences, I want to share my absolute FAVORITE tool to use:


Yes, really! You know how sometimes it’s hard to identify what emotion you’re feeling? I challenge you to - right now - try describing how you feel in terms of color instead. For example:

"If I were a color right now, I'd be a light orange mixed with grey."

See how this works? Being able to put a label on what you’re feeling begins the process of actually dealing with that emotion.

I created a short easy activity to help you begin to see your own emotions in terms of color. Check it out on the blog here:

DIY Emotional Color Wheel

How else can making an emotional color wheel help me?

  • Sharing how you feel in terms of color instead of emotion helps remove some of the taboos of “I shouldn’t be feeling this way.” It makes it easier to identify & admit to yourself.
  • If you've got kids (especially teens!) it can be easier to talk with them about their emotions using terms of color. Have your kid sit down and make up their own “color code” using the rainbow and a list of basic emotions.

Try it and let me know how it goes!



Dive into more COLORS with me!


Healing from destructive thinking and emotional pain can feel scary and messy. As a Creative Life Coach, I can help you learn to understand and externalize all the crazy colors that make up "the mess" you're feeling inside. 

See if Creative Life Coaching could benefit you - schedule a FREE consultation call here:

FREE Consultation Call

You don't have to be a pro artist to benefit from Creative Coaching - beginners are always welcome. 60 minute virtual sessions start at only $45.
