(Re)gaining clarity after a tumultuous year...

Mar 01, 2021 7:56 pm

Hey , I don't know about you, but I'm so glad that we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel after quite a tumultuous year!

The thing about shake-ups, though, they have a funny way of revealing our true priorities. That, and helping prune dead branches that just hang on a little too long...

I'll be honest with you, ProjectGrief.Org was one of those "dead branches". I loved it so much and it (still) feels so right, I just didn't want to say goodbye. It took me a while to "grieve" the fact that my online school and all those hours of love, sweat and tears, just weren't helping people like I wanted.

So, snip snip! that branch was pruned - but that doesn't mean it's all dead.


You see, the other thing about "pruning times" is that the goal of pruning (even though it can be painful) is to help a plant become more healthy and fruitful. And I needed that! You can read more about my decision to "prune" here >>

I took me a while to realize that something was missing from my courses: accountability, motivation, and especially HUMAN CONNECTION. 



Late in fall 2020, I decided to make the jump to LIVE coaching and teaching only, using virtual platforms where, no matter the distance, we could meet regularly, face-to-face. I also wanted to expand my content to reach not just grievers, but also those coping with issues like depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

And of course, we're still doing it all through art.

As artist Georgia O'Keeffe once said:

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for."

So, Project Grief pre-recorded e-courses are OUT, 1 on 1 live virtual therapeutic art sessions are IN.

In fact, I'm now taking new Creative Life Coaching clients! You can learn more and schedule a FREE consultation call here:

Learn about Creative Life Coaching

Oh yeah, and there's just-plain art lessons, group events, and a virtual shop there too!

And as far as email goes, I'll now be using hello@danicatheartist.com to keep you posted on upcoming events, sales, and new creative resources to keep inspiring and motivating you.

After all, we all (yes, me too!) need a little help understanding and expressing our hearts.

To your creative (re)discovery,


Danica Thurber
