Paint in your pjs!

Apr 08, 2024 12:50 pm

Morning ya'll! Here's a snapshot from my own morning routine...


Yeah those are carrot socks and yes I paint in my pjs 🙄.

But here’s WHY 👇👇

I’m a mom and that’s my primary job (y’all know it’s more than full time!) and i wouldn’t trade it for anything. 

But that does mean I have to make my creative time into a discipline. 

I posted a YouTube short about this and it got 11.9K views in 24 hours. That tells me I’m not the only creative mom who struggles with this! 💕

I’ve figured out that what works for me is to focus on getting small daily chunks of time to paint, rather than reserving one or two large chunks of time (like when he’s napping for example). 

Here’s how I make the most of my quick painting practice- and this has been a recent discovery that’s made all the difference! 

  • I paint 30 minutes a day for most days of the week.
  • I get there in the morning wearing my pjs and robe ☕️
  • I keep my easel always set up in our home office but I have it folded so it doesn’t interfere too much with space. Thus, I sit on the ground to paint.
  • I keep my paint water cup in the bathroom so its ready to be filled.
  • All my paint supplies are in a rolling cart in the closet next to the easel
  • my paints are ready to go on a paper pallette that stays in my cart
  • I use Saran Wrap to cover my paints in between 30 minute sessions. They stay wet for a few days! 

Being a mom doesn't mean you have to cease all creative acts. In fact, I think it's just the opposite: motherhood makes you more creative because you're called to make MUCH of your little time, energy, and resources.

I hope this encouraged someone today.


P.S. I highly recommend reading Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood* by artist/mom Ashlee Gadd. If you’re resonating with any of this, this book is for you!! 💕

*This is an Amazon Affiliate link. I may benefit from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.
