A deep thought and a fun summer class

May 14, 2021 12:26 am

Hey , have you ever wondered:

"What is my purpose in life?"

Let me start with my disclaimers: 1.) only YOU can answer that for yourself! and 2.) no, I don't have it all figured out

But I want to share a little bit of my journey with you though a painting called "Heaven & Earth".


Read: the story behind the painting

A fun summer class?

I've been teaching virtual art lessons for more than a year now, and I've developed some techniques to make it easy and engaging for all my students. I also noticed a trend - EVERYONE LOVES WATERCOLOR FLORALS.

So I thought, why not embrace it?


Here's a sample of one of the projects you'll learn. I'd love to teach a 3 or 4 session class for beginner-intermediate levels. And I'd love to do it soon. So my question is this:

Would you be interested?

I'm not asking for commitment right now; I'm just gauging interest. So would you do me a favor and hit "reply" to let me know if this sounds fun?


