To the creative MOMS out there...

Apr 25, 2024 12:05 pm

If you're a creative who's also doing this motherhood thing....

You're amazing. Truly.

The things that moms face and juggle are incredible. Motherhood refines us, and produces strength we never knew we had.

But if you're like me and you've been creative in the past, it can feel impossible to add ONE MORE THING to the to do list.

Even if that "one thing" is something we enjoy.

This one's for you.


Watch on YouTube

In this video, I'll address the most common objections I ear when I encourage fellow moms to pursue creativity (in whatever form it might be - painting, cooking, gardening, knitting, basket-weaving....):

I don’t have time.

It feels selfish to take time for myself.

I don’t have energy.

I’m not inspired.

I don’t have the right equipment anymore.

I don’t know how to start.

Is this you?

If so, hit that play button and them let me know what you think!

Watch on YouTube (12 min.)

Here to encourage and inspire,

