The anticipation is killing me!!! (But, really...)

Apr 13, 2021 6:51 pm

Hey there, ,

You probably didn't know this about me, but in addition to being an artist and creative coach, I'm also an avid practitioner of...


Stress. But not just any kind of stress... ANTICIPATORY STRESS. You know, spending the present stressing about the future. Imagining all the possibilities of how things can go wrong. Looking forward with a general sense of dread.

Yeah, fun times.

Did you know that we can also experience ANTICIPATORY GRIEF?

That's when we grieve for someone we haven't yet lost, or when we anticipate things like the first holidays without them with a sense of dread.

ANTICIPATORY STRESS and GRIEF aren't fun places to be. They steal our present and disable us from looking forward to the future. They tell us that "bad" and "difficult" is all we've got and all there will ever be.

It's time to tackle this together. I created a FREE art therapy journaling activity to address each of these topics. Try one out for yourself and let me know how it goes!

Bereaved Mother's Day: Virtual Conference


Are you a bereaved mom anticipating a difficult Mother's Day 2021?

Why not face it equipped with inspiration, self-care tools, and a whole community of women who know what it's like to be in your place?

I want to invite you to a very special event hosted by a bereaved-mom-turned-grief-coach. Sunday May 2 will be entirely devoted to empowering, equipping, sharing with, and loving on bereaved moms.

I'm honored to be one of the guest speakers at this VIRTUAL conference and I'll be facilitating a therapeutic art session, too!

Registration deadline is May 1st, but you'll get a bonus set of personal affirmation cards if you register before Sunday, April 18th.

Find more info and/or register here:

Bereaved Mother's Day Conference

Got questions? Suggestions for future topics? Hit "reply" and let me know! I'd love to hear from you.

To your creative (re)discovery,


Danica Thurber
