Know Who You (Truly) Are

Jul 22, 2024 12:05 pm

Hey ,

When introducing myself, I usually pick from a few of these nouns: wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, artist, minister, coach.


But is that an accurate description of who I (truly) am?

These are roles that shift and change in each season of life. If I put my identity in a role, and it changes or (God forbid!) one day goes away, I'm lost.

It has happened before: I lost my dad when I was a child and lost a little of myself as a result. I've lost a job and floundered in depression. I've had countless hard days where I didn't really want to be a mother.

I'll bet you can relate.

In a world of constantly shifting nouns and adjectives, what can we (truly) depend on anyway?

Do YOU know who you truly are?

(Hint: it's BETTER than you ever dreamed!)


What doesn't change is my identity as a child of God. He speaks AMAZING, unchangeable things over us, things that don't shift or fade as everything else does. These identity labels are not tied to our moods, behavior, or relationships (praise the Lord!!). These statements are ones we can depend on.


I recently created a graphic series using my iPad and the things God has been stirring in my heart. I took basic statements like "deeply loved" and "forever chosen" and sought to portray the face of a woman who is convinced of that truth.

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Download your fun FREE phone wallpaper for the month of July. This painting was a collab between me and my son ;)


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Here's to a wonderful summer-y day,
