Post post-partum...

May 24, 2023 2:05 pm

Hey there, !

It's been a while. My goodness, did motherhood hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a rough go in those early months, to be honest. And it was hard to even dream about what I wanted to do creatively...

Well, I made it. (Here's proof!)


Here's the key: I didn't go it alone. I gathered a great group of friends, my church community, a supportive husband, and a stellar therapist - all around me.

Together, we made it out of the hole that is postpartum depression.

And I'm finally starting to dream again!

I've got new ideas and new perspectives on old ones, beginning with....


Yeah. Remember that series of videos I released as an online course?

Well, it's time to let it go - as a gift.

I'm re-editing and releasing all those videos on YouTube and I couldn't be happier. It's time to share them with the world, and with you!

So will you do me a favor?

Go to my YouTube channel and hit "subscribe".

Here's a button for your convenience

I'll be releasing these videos every Monday this summer, and I don't want you to miss it.

Thanks for hanging in there with me. It's been quite a ride!

