Pandemic: One year later...

Mar 16, 2021 7:06 pm

Whew! We made it a whole year since the US "officially" entered the global pandemic. I'm thinking about how much has changed since then, and how little I knew about what was up ahead!!


My husband and I had our share of 2020 hardships, but we definitely got really creative with our time! Check out this short video we made at the start of the pandemic:


We also made up our own print-from-home board game chock-full of pandemic and 2020 jokes! ('Cuz we're nerds. OK, mostly I am.) It's definitely not an item from the distant past yet (we wish!), but it's sure to bring back sure memories when we take it back out in a few years...


It was a ton of fun making up the jokes and creating the illustrations for the cards!


If you're looking for a fun way to celebrate "one year of survival," I encourage you to check it out on my new website! I've got a 20% off sale (cuz, 2020...) going from today until 3/22. Enter the code "WHATAYEAR" at checkout.

Funny Pandemic Game


I asked my Instagram @projectgriefart followers to share a piece of art they made that expresses what's in their heart.

I was SO encouraged and inspired by the breadth of emotions that were expressed, as well as the honest depth of each person's response! I'd love to share some of my favorite entries with you.

View here


I'd love to know: how has the pandemic affected you? Take a second to hit "reply" and let me know! (PS I read all my emails personally, so this isn't just an assistant sending an auto-response...)

To your creative (re)discovery,


Danica the Artist
