Turning paintings upside-down since 2008...

May 27, 2024 1:15 pm


"The cross is the Tree of Life in its wintertime."
  • Charles Spurgeon

When I read that quote, I knew I had to illustrate it with a painting! And of course, I had to use my classic move of turning paintings sideways or upside-down (something I've done since meeting a wonderful abstract artist in 2008 ;)


"Tree of Life" is a captivating piece that contrasts the stark vibrancy of spring with the serene stillness of winter, symbolizing the eternal cycle of life and nature's enduring beauty.


At the root of this mesmerizing tree, you can glimpse a subtly integrated wooden cross, offering a peaceful meditation on faith and the renewal of all things to come. See it now?


I just created a series of prints of this painting on posters and canvas. They come unframed, or in wooden frames, or with magnetic hangers like this one above. This piece is meant to be BIG so I have some large sizes available - talk about a statement piece for your room!

Check it out on Etsy

Thanks so much for your support of my work - it means the world to me.

Here to encourage and inspire,

