Guess what my 2 year old asked me...

Mar 20, 2024 12:27 pm

--> Scroll down for my TOP 2 EGG DECORATING TIPS! <--

My 2.5 year old asked me the other day, “who is God?” and the question blew me away! He’s been curious about this person we mention often and senses that he must be someone important.


Here’s how the conversation went.

My son began with:

“So, God is coming to my house to play with me.” 

 I told him God is already here. You can’t see him but you can feel him. 

“Mom, are you God?” He asked. No. 

“Is daddy God?” No. 

“Who is God?” 

So I told him that God is the one who made everything, including me and you, and that he loves you very much!

But it got me thinking that whole week…


Like light, he’s already here with us, always around us. We can’t see him like we do another person, but if we're looking for him, we CAN see him - just in a different way. We can feel him, sense him, always seek after more of him like how I search my house for the sunniest window on a cloudy day. 

Light helps us see everything clearly: the world, our family, ourselves. Light sustains life and without it, we die.


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I've heard “I am the light of the world” a million times before, but I’m finding new and fresh meaning exploring faith and big questions for the first time with my son.

Because as I pour into the 7 "I Am" statements about who Jesus is, I’m also pouring into my son.

And I promise you, I am FAR from doing it perfectly.

That’s why I’m thankful that God is simultaneously pouring his grace, patience and presence into ME, like the light that’s beginning to grow as spring begins.


Decorating tip #1 - use the BROWN eggs!!

My mom colored eggs with us this week and weren’t sure if it would turn out if we used the brown ones. Oh my goodness I’m never using white eggs again - look at that color! This was just using the cheap PAAS brand kit from the grocery store. Who knew?!


Decorating tip #2 - use a white crayon

You may have done this as a kid, but I'm here to remind you. Use a white crayon to create marks, designs, and patterns on the eggs BEFORE your dip them into the dye. The wax resists the color and reveals striking white lines when they're dry.


As we approach Easter week, I pray you find new meaning in this season full of beautiful surprises.

