FREE video: kid's grief art project

May 02, 2022 9:07 pm

New grief art video on YouTube

Hi there , it's been a little bit and I wanted to check in!

I've been slowly finding time to get back into therapeutic art as a momma (scroll to the end to see a pic).

You remember my children's book on grief & loss? Lulu Faces Loss And Finds Encouragement is the story of a little girl experiencing the loss and subsequent grief of her grandmother - a first-time experience for her. She embarks on a quest to "encourage" (ie, "help strengthen on the inside") her grandma as her body weakens.


She creates a project called "Encouragement Flowers" which she then sets on grandma's windowsill to help grandma smile. Grandma had many flowers in her garden, but these handmade ones were definitely her favorite!

Video: how to make them too!

The instructions to this project are in the back of the book (paperback and ebook), and now they're finally in a video format on YouTube - free!



PS: Lulu Faces Loss And Finds Encouragement has sold 273 copies, which is pretty cool for a self-published book, if you ask me. ;) I've gotten so many great testimonials about it, especially when it's given as a gift to a grieving child. I encourage you to check it out! Read more about it here or get it on Amazon here.

PPS: I've now got a baby who's spent 9 months outside of me... I can hardly believe it! He's still cute as ever, of course, and he's also a ton of fun! <3

