Join in The Break Room in 60 seconds!

Sep 05, 2022 7:41 pm


Hi ! 👋🏽


I am reaching out to let you know that The Break Room is moving off the Facebook platform and will sunset, Tuesday, September 6, 2022.


I am inviting you to the new community platform called Heartbeat. It is a phenomenal platform and what I have been wanting for some time.

 Join in less than 60 seconds using this link!

I am a currently a member of one that's all about Live Streaming and it's AWESOME! The platform offers an all-inclusive feel and not piecemeal, which was honestly very exhausting for me. I have the privilege to see first-hand how powerful, simple, and engaging it is.

And get this.... they have a mobile app, and you can take it anywhere. And, it has live stream and water cooler chats which is like the Clubhouse app. HOW COOL IS THAT!


Make sure you watch the video in the community I created for you as it will give you an oversight of how powerful and useful this platform is going to be. You can make your decision after that. And, if you have suggestions, I am all ears as this community is for ALL of us.


Here's a sneak peek to what it looks like so far. I'm in the building stage. You can see some of the groups I'm creating so far.


For community members only, I will host trainings that go beyond my weekly livestream - - Real Talk. Real Careers. Real Results., provide resources, and much more!

Join in less than 60 seconds using this link!

Stop what you are doing and do it NOW. LOL! Ok, didn't mean to be bossy but trust me, you will love it!

P.S. This is a free community. There is no fee to join. That may change in the near future so join TODAY!

Sending Virtual Hugs image,


The Get Hired Strategist
