iRock "Edit"-orial

Jan 09, 2023 4:41 am


Hi !!

iRock Updates

I had my the first session of the iHustle 4-Week Intensive and it was AWESOME! My first Cohort are career professionals taking charge of their future by learning how to build, launch and enhance their side hustle.

I believe in having a side gig or side hustle just in case your job goes away in an instant. During Covid 19, this is exactly what happened to a lot of people when they lost their job in the blink of an eye. No one could have predicted it and it was devastating for so many people. Having something on the side gives you a sense of peace and security if something were to ever happen to your job.

Also, having a side-hustle is not only a great way to do something you've always wanted to do but it could be something you could do when you retire from your formal job.

If you are interested in the iHustle 4-Week Intensive, email me back and I will put you on the wait list.

📺 The "Get Hired!" Strategist on will debut tomorrow! Join me on Mondays at 5:15pm CST. I go live on LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube.



📰 News You Can Use

Are you working hybrid? Better yet, are you balancing two jobs?

I heard about this happening and even had an employee doing this on my team. It caused me to pause, but I get it. When working virtually, it makes it easy to do.

After reading the article below, let me know your thoughts on this.

Should You Work 2 Remote Jobs at Once?

Just in Case You Missed It

How I Manage a Dual Career as a Corporate Leader and a Successful Entrepreneur

Sending you virtual hugs! 🤗

